In this blog post, I will develop my initial idea through preliminary research, in preparation for the proposal Power-point on December 7th.
A Note:
I have had many issues with continuing my essay, as personal matters have interrupted my work.
In the past month, I have: Contracted tonsilitis, moved flats, had a family member become terminally ill, etc. Regardless of the fact that this would be considered a late start, I have little doubt that I will be able to generate a compelling essay. It is difficult for outside forces to understand my timing situation without this context, but this is something I will try to explain in my proposal as best as possible.
Mood-board development
Following on from post #1, I wish to explore radical women in 1920's society, and will create a mood-board of concepts around this before moving onto further specified sources.
Moodboard #1 (31/11/2022)
From here, I will populate these sections with ideas and sources I can explore in my essay and in my proposal power-point. This will also hopefully help me in attempting to find a succinct essay question.
I received an email from my lecturer giving me recommendations of different women to research, alongside an article: New Women in Early 20th-Century America | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History .
Moodboard #2 (1/12/2022)
At this point, I included sources and specific examples of ideas I wished to potentially develop in my essay. The essay itself is however too limited in word-count to accommodate all of these topics and therefore by researching them individually I will find the work I most gravitate towards.
In the following blog post, I will begin to develop individual research on the labelled topics via e-book, journal and library resources.