The first week of Sketchup was challenging yet rewarding, as a software I have only briefly previously used in the past. I want to hone my skills with the software in order to understand fully how to use scale and shape in future projects, as I had to remake this initial week's project due to a glitch making the scaling photography unusable.
First Product: Box (1100x1600x500mm)
- Box was quickly created
- Understood SketchUp shortcuts
Areas for Development
- Neatening measurements for profile shots
Self-directed goals
- Explore SketchUp components
Second Product: Waverly Theatre
- Was able to follow the instructions clearly and succinctly
- Doorways and interior walls correctly measured and presented
- Used a human scale model for visual reference
Areas for Development
- Previously when creating this piece, I created components too early without referring to the guidance document. I need to understand editing and components to a greater extent when using Sketchup as a referencing and technical creation tool
- Remember to photograph in parallel projection
Self-directed goals
- Start working on organic shapes or circles in design
- Begin to add texture